I am a last year Ph.D. student at Bar-Ilan University, supervised jointly by Prof. Gal Chechik from the CS department at BIU and director of AI
at NVIDIA, and Dr. Ethan Fetaya from the Faculty of Engineering at BIU. Currently, I am also a computer vision researcher at Sony aiming at producing
top-notch research papers in machine learning. I am interested in both theoretical and practical aspects of machine and deep learning.
Specifically, I am passionate about Bayesian modeling, Gaussian processes, and probabilistic generative models.
I hold a MSc in Computer Science and a BSc in Industrial Engineering, both with honors. Before my MSc degree, I worked for several years as a
Data Scientist at RSA.
I am always looking for collaborations, so if you want to work together please don't hesitate to reach out.
Reviewing. 2019: IJCAI; 2020: NeurIPS (top 10%); 2021: ICML, NeurIPS (top 8%), ICLR (highlighted); 2022: NeurIPS, ICLR; 2023: NeurIPS, ICLR; 2024: ICML
Teaching assistant in the course introduction to deep learning, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, 2021-2023.
A PhD in machine learning at the faculty of engineering, Bar-Ilan University.
A MSc in Computer Science, majored in AI and machine learning, Bar-Ilan University. Graduated with honors.
A BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, majored in Information Systems, Ben-Gurion University. Graduated with honors. Deans Honors Award in the 4th year.